What Sixty Three (40-70 Year Old) Smart Women Inspired Me To Do

Mac and Porsche

Written by Terri Crosby for In Care of Relationships

I’m rarein’ to go!

In a really good way!

It’s all because I asked about 300 women the following question:  “If you were going hear a talk about relationships, what would it be called?”

  • who knew that so many women would answer with such gusto!  (talk about passionate answers, they fairly sizzled)
  • who knew what they would say!  (every imaginable aspect about relationships)
  • And who knew what would happen in my brain from reading their answers! (I could not have predicted that, ever)

So what happened?

Mac 1
MacKenzie Crosby

I started writing a course for young women, which included a boatload of information that I wish I had known before I ventured out into the world.  From the women’s responses, I saw what we still don’t know, even after all these years, and thought, “Why not start earlier?  Why not help young women get a better beginning?”

Knowing this information would have made a world of difference to me.  It has made a huge difference to the young women I’ve worked with, according to them.  (For starters, ask my 24 year old daughter.)   I’ve just never before put the information in a course that would be accessible to young women anywhere in the world.

Well, all of that has changed.

Below please find more content details.  Please forward to any young women (age 20-ish to 35-ish) who would appreciate this information.  Giving this information to young women sooner rather than later would be a good thing. No need for them to finally “get it” at age 55 or whatever!!!   Why not equip the young women you know with information that can send them in a more efficient direction!

Here is the information, with clickable links to sign up.

YES! – Young, Empowered and Smart. 7 weeks of ah-ha’s, relief, encouragement, permission and inspiration to know what you know, live like you live, say what you say, and be the person you are.  This is about that quiet and strong inner knowing you already have. When it comes fully alive in you, it turns into enthusiasm, productivity, creativity, satisfaction and it lights up your eyes. This inner knowing turns into happy fuel — to be all of who you are.

This is information I wish I had known when I left home to venture out on my own.

Week #1 – What Parents, School and Establishments Don’t (and can’t) TeachMac and studio friend

  • What almost nobody tells you when you’re starting out.
  • How your parents (and other significant adults in your life) taught you “invisibly,” and how did this affect you?
  • What’s natural for you?
  • Two factors that get things all messed up really fast.
  • What is suffering and what’s the antidote?
  • How to express more of who you really are – right now.
  • One simple way to be happier in a fast-moving world. This moment to moment thing you can do is life-changing.

Week #2 – Live Q and A

Week #3 –– Understanding Your Built-In GPS

  • What is your inner GPS and how do you follow it?
  • How negative emotion actually helps guide you. This is a big subject, not a one-liner. If I had known this when I was twenty, my life would have been different, easier, and a lot more fun and fruitful!! We will work with real life examples. Have yours in mind and bring them to the session.
  • What’s the biggest trap regarding your intelligence or worth?

Week #4 – Live Q and A

Week #5 – Love LessonsMac and John

  • The game-changer that will melt confusion and shift your ability to be more of who you are with males in any relationship, partnership or connection. This means with your father, brothers, friends, boyfriends, husband, co-workers or employees. This is a big topic and will take most of the hour.
  • Understanding “the feminine” and “the masculine” in you and others.
  • How to learn to take things less personally. (Huge!)
  • Why do we so often crash, worry, get upset, lose patience with, write off, or get offended by the opposite sex. This is important to know, no matter what kind of relationship lifestyle attracts you. Men are everywhere and it’s good to know how to get along with them, work with them understand them, and feel more confident around them.

Week #6 – Live Q and A

Week #7 – Dating and Relating

  • What’s the most important thing to do before you fall in love with someone?
  • Do relationship issues feel complicated? I’ll help you clarify.  Where things have gone wonky or gotten all mumbly jumbly, I’ll help you untangle.   Bring your wadded up, uptight, yucky or confusing issues to this call (and to the Q &A following this session.)
  • One important sentence women of any age should memorize.
  • What to do when someone asks you out and you don’t want to go.
  • How to gracefully get out of a date that’s not going well. How to do this without criticism, and with dignity for both of you
  • One concept that will change dating for you in a good way. Guaranteed.
  • How we tend to evaluate our partner — what’s the measuring stick?
  • We’ll take an extra 15 minutes to answer questions, since it’s the last session of the series.

Dates/Times for YES! For Young Women: All calls are up to one hour, except the final session, which is 1-1/4 hours to include a short Q and A.

  • #1 Topic – Wednesday, October 29, at 9 am Pacific, 10 am Mountain, 11 am Central, 12 noon Eastern
  • #2 Q & A – Wednesday, November 5, at 12 noon Eastern
  • #3 Topic – Wednesday, November 12, at 12 noon Eastern
  • #4 Q & A – Tuesday, November 18, at 12 noon Eastern
  • #5 Topic – Tuesday, November 25, at 12 noon Eastern
  • #6 Q & A – Tuesday, December 2, at 12 noon Eastern
  • #7 Topic – Tuesday, December 9, at 12 noon Eastern

To sign up for YES! For Young Women — go to this page, and the event will show up.  Then, click on “Continue Reading” and it will take you to a sign up page.  It will also tell how to pay for the class by payPal.  $148 for a single enrollment, or $98 for two young women signing up together.  You can send a check to Terri Crosby, P.O. Box 966, Horse Shoe, NC 28742.  If you’re signing up with a friend, give both your names.  Payments for duo’s can be separate, just mention the other person who will be signing up with you.

empower, In Care of Relationships, relationship, relationships, Terri Crosby, YES For Young Women, young women

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