Some Days Are Diamonds
After last night’s rain, the sun came through the trees this morning, offering a forest of diamonds. That was a nice beginning.
Then came breakfast with my daughter and my fit-as-a-fiddle 91 yr. old mother. After our meal, Mac and I took my sweet mama to the airport in Charlotte. Mom has been here for six weeks. She’s a diamond, and our visit was full of diamonds. We laughed, cried, and everything in between. We accidentally burned the mashed potatoes. We dreamed out loud. We misunderstood each other (or shall I say I misunderstood her) and we figured it out. We cooked together and ate great food. She helped me get started on some emotionally difficult tasks, like facing Eric’s closet, especially his empty shoes. I can handle it now, thanks to her.
After we dropped Mom off, I met up with a high school classmate who happened to be in Charlotte. Diamonds here, diamonds there, diamonds everywhere.
On the way home from the airport, I had an extraordinary talk with my daughter, filled with sparkling, eye-opening causes to pause. You know, there are talks, and then there are TALKS, those soulful catch-ups that start slow and build.
My best talks with MacKenzie usually start with some influential outside information. As we drove home, we listened to a TED Talk, an interview with Tesla/SpaceX genius, Elon Musk.
Elon Musk (if you don’t know him already) will blow your mind with what he has accomplished in his 45 years on Earth. Currently, he’s building a 3D tunnel network below Los Angeles to alleviate traffic congestion. Cars will travel on skates in a tube, and be able to commute from Westwood to LAX in 5 to 6 minutes, for instance.
Add to that Elon’s rocket-to-Mars program, his sustainable energy and solar roofs that power an entire house and last forever, the alternative education he created for his children, his auto-pilot Tesla cars and semi trucks, and you’re on your way to knowing a little more about Elon Musk.
So that’s where MacKenzie and I began — with Elon and Tesla and tunnels and roofs and rockets, which reset my personal orientation, I have to say. Starting a conversation from an expanded reality has the brilliant benefit of lifting everything I’ve been thinking or feeling, everything I think I know into an entirely new context, which changes my now and therefore my future.
What followed was something I could not have predicted. We resolved parts and pieces of the last five years of relating to each other. There were chunks I didn’t know about, and when I heard her words, I stopped in my tracks to consider fully what she was saying. I absorbed. I learned. I changed in the moment.
I know, priceless. Sparkling. Full of light and love.
Look out world, I’ve got diamonds in the souls (soles) of my shoes.
Joann Lehmer
Shine bright like a diamond. Love from So. Cal.
Terri Crosby
Oh, hi there Joanne!!! It’s been way too long! Thank you for waving from So. Cal!!! love, Terri
Leslie Rosenstock
Oh my….what a beautiful blog, Terri. It moves my heart. Having those “a ha” shifting moments with our grown daughters…..fully opening, hearing and feeling THEIR truth……those moments are diamonds, indeed. Filling in the puzzle of the past. So precious. Thank you for posting it.
Terri Crosby
Thank you so much, Leslie. There was a sweet moment in my conversation with MacKenzie where I said something like, “You know, you can put me in the box of how other people think, or might think, or are able to think. But if you come over here and see how I actually think, it would help this conversation and our relationship a lot.” And she flipped. She said she had kind of forgotten who I am because of all the stuff that had been happening with Eric for the last five years. And you know, I HAD, too. I had forgotten some things about myself and when she pressed me, I began to remember them! I learn so much from her. Thanks for reading, Leslie and thank you for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate that. love, Terri
You are a Diamond my sweet friend, they shine from soles of your feet to your soul!
Terri Crosby
Takes one to know one! Love you, Shiner. Terri