100 Words: Growing In The Cracks.
A perfect miniature marigold lives in the crack between sidewalk and step. It’s too late to yank it by the roots — it has arrived. It’s growing, has a tiny flower.
Who am I to declare “You may not thrive there…”
My daughter knows a thing or two about the marigold trick. She floated in on the wind when no one was paying attention and planted herself, said hello. How could I say — Mistake! Go back! — once she had gone to the trouble of becoming?
Who am I to refuse life, or say no to blossoming, to the cause of beauty?
birth, daughter, In Care of Relationships, life, marigold, Terri Crosby
Virginia A Boyle
Oh, cheez, Terri, you made me cry again–how tender and sweet. Thank you. Love, Va
What a sweet image of Mac’s arrival….thanks
Terri Crosby
Yes, she came in on the wind. Don’t you love that? She really did… :–)))
Debbie Riggs
You mail it every time Terri. It is amazing what you pack into 100 words. I always look forward to reading these.
Terri Crosby
Thank you, Debbie! And I so appreciate you letting me know!
Another stunning thought beautifully expressed!
Terri Crosby
Thank you, Joyce! I appreciate it!
I’ve gone back and re-read your words (at Spirit’s persistent nudging 🙂 at least 4 times today !
Who am I indeed….?…..to refuse life, or say ‘NO’ to blossoming …….? (even a multitude of blossoms !)
A little humbling………:-)………and de-LIGHT-FULL…………….Yesssssss …………:-)
Terri Crosby
Thank you, Teria! So glad the words were helpful.