100 Words: Surprise Spitting
The morning teacher seemed friendly enough.
She mostly dished kindness, but here and there, something spat sideways from her beautiful offering bowl. A dollop of derision, for instance, placed perfectly atop the morning porridge. A sprinkle of disgust mixed with the crystal clear sugar. Disdain, just a touch, floating in the pretty peaches and cream.
This surprised me — every time — until I clarified my thought-butter.
Does scorn hide in the covered corners of my pantry? Does my upper lip curl (even slightly) upon detecting (fear parading as) prejudice, hate in others?
And, do I notice?
Where’s my oatmeal-blueberry love then?
contempt, derision, disgust, distain, In Care of Relationships, scorn, Terri Crosby
Bernadine Young
Simply profound, Terri, such amazing insights expressed in poetic language, — the practice of observing such thoughts, both in us and around us, is something we all need to hone! Thank you!
Gary Smith
Terri Crosby
Thanks, Gar! I’m glad you liked it!
Holly Simms
This Is the best writing you’ve ever done, Terri.
Terri Crosby
That’s pretty cool coming from (wonderful writer) you!!! Thank you so much!
I bet the food looked pretty!
But alas might not have pleased the palate….
Terri Crosby
Just the parts that spit weren’t so tasty! :–)))
I always feel your “oatmeal-blueberry love!” It’s Yummy!
Just what I needed to munch on today! I’ll take a double helping of blueberries with compassion for myself and others. So love your writings.
Terri Crosby
Thanks Gayle!!!