100 Words: How To Realize Your Beauty.
Remember when you were 16 and you believed your physical appearance needed improvement?
Later at 30 or 40, same thing. Something about you was below par. Unperfect. Not acceptable.
You’re older now, with the song of imperfection (still) singing in the background about wrinkles, effects of gravity, weight. Whatever.
Recently you and your sisters thumbed through old photos — and realized how gorgeous you all were then! Dripping with beauty, full of light. Vibrant and bright-hearted. You had no clue!
Here’s the plan. Grab my hand, go with me, let’s fast forward to 92 looking back. How lovely we were — now!
Beautiful one, you rock!
Shelley Glinsky
Terri, this is so perfectly expressed. The mother of my dear friend just turned 87. She hates to have her picture taken because she still sees those imperfections in her appearance. If only she knew how beautiful she is!
Terri Crosby
It is sad that we spend any time at all on the “imperfection” thing!!! It doesn’t go anywhere good…
Debbie Riggs
How true. So many things appear better in the rear view mirror. Thanks for sharing your insights. They brighten my day.
Terri Crosby
Thank you, Debbie! So true about the rear view mirror!
Cosette Goebel
So true. I came to this conclusion myself about 15 or 20 years ago. Thanks for sharing your insight.
Terri Crosby
Well, brilliant on you! It took me a good while!!!
Marilyn Hubbard
At a couple of months shy of age 76 and living in a retirement community it’s wonderful to see women in their 80’s and 90’s living active happy lives despite wrinkles, sags, spots, trifocals, etc.
My motto at this point is: Could be better! Could be worse! There are too many other things to do than worry about perfection.
Terri Crosby
Love your approach, Marilyn!!!
We are rocking, even @ 70!!
I run that exercise regularly. It is a great reminder and well said by YOU!
Terri Crosby
Thank you, Pam! You DO rock at 70!!!! Hugs.
Several years ago I looked at some old video’s when I was practicing for a performance….It was that moment of WOW you look great in these videos though I did not always embrace those thoughts 20 years ago!
Terri Crosby
:–))) Better late than never!
holli safley
You spoke to my heart!
Terri Crosby
What a good place to speak to! Thank you, Holli.