100 Words: On Wisdom
Wisdom calls gently to learn in slow motion. Walk wide awake through things you’d rather not feel, find self-compassion, notice beliefs you’ve accumulated, realize what’s actually true.
Wisdom holds the clarity to know that what you resist holds your greatest surprise-teachings. That big rock over to your left appears ominous, but holds secrets that will help you.
Don’t run. Don’t hide.
Take a deep breath and lift the edge of the dark rock long enough to view its underbelly. This seems counterintuitive, yes, but ultimately it’s revealing. Illuminating. Liberating. Enlivening.
Some of your brilliant, bold light is under that rock.
The last line means the most to me, Terri. That boulder is so heavy to lift. Still, it must be done in order to move ahead. There’s a song with the line, “and what we have to learn, we rarely choose.” You’ve been moving through your changes admirably. Let’s keep on inching forward together in this life, for we have good traveling companions.
Terri Crosby
The thing I figured out is to never lift a boulder physically. Lift it with your spirit. Your spirit is strong!
Oh, Terri, you talk about the struggle most if not all of us deal with. Thanks for sharing your learnings–lifting that rock can be scary–maybe there’s a snake!!!!!!
Terri Crosby
Yes, very scary! Snakes everywhere, we’re so sure! But they transform…
Brenda Kay
Well said and so…true!!
Terri Crosby
Bless you, Brenda!
Bernadine Young
So amazingly expressed, Terri, thank you. I’ve found that lifting rocks both spiritually and physically has become my way of finding clarity and solutions for the more than demanding work I have inherited cleaning up my highly contaminated property, and that shows me everyday how to love and respect living on Earth and all ira bounty that sustains me in the midst of human error, folly and hubris! P.S. best to you in your new adventures! .
Terri Crosby
Thank you so much for your comments and observations. It sounds like you’re doing an amazing job with all the aspects of being alive and well on Planet Earth. The best to you in your adventures as well.
This is a keeper!
Wonderful wordsmith that you are,, with the ability to be concise as well.
Terri Crosby
Thanks, Shiner. I appreciate this.
“Don’t run, don’t hide… lift the rock”. I’ve found that if you don’t lift it now, it will show up again in your future. Eventually, you’ll have to look under it. Why not now…?
Terri Crosby
Thank you, Ellen. That’s my experience, too. It’s just a matter of “can I do this spiritual or physical lifting of the rock now?” If I can’t deal with it, it’s OK. It will come up again when I’m more ready.
corey fowler
Terri Crosby
Thank you, Corey. Much appreciated.