8 Yoga Truths That Help With Everything Else

Mooji: “First, completely know yourself.”

YOGA TRUTH: Breathe deep.

Remembering to breathe slowly and fully is, in itself, a life-changing practice for daily life. If humans breathed deeply before speaking, the world would surely be a more gentle place.

During a heated moment — a business meeting, or difficult discussion with a partner — slow things down by breathing. Deep and conscious breathing pulls us out of reactivity or heavy emotion and instructs the monkey mind to sit and stay.

Breathe and be present to the person(s) in front of you. What do they have to say? Are you all there?






YOGA TRUTH: Pay no attention to what others are doing on their mats.

What another can or can’t do, does or doesn’t do, has nothing to do with you.

Comparison heaves us straight into the weeds. Fast. Every single time.

You’re valuable for being alive, for breathing, for being who you are.

All the rest is silly putty.




YOGA TRUTH: How you arrive in a yoga pose is as important as the pose itself.

Success in yoga is not about touching your toes, getting to plank position or arriving in a picture perfect pigeon pose without a flinch. Yoga is not about accomplishment.

It’s about what happens on the way.

Though your mind might argue with you, happiness and true satisfaction in life is not about “the perfection of the pose” either. It’s not about making the next goal or achieving more.

In life, in relationships with others, what matters is your core. Take time to contemplate. Then move outward into the world.

Mooji says, “First, completely know yourself.”




YOGA TRUTH: Once in your pose, which muscles could relax?

During an average day, how do you overwork needlessly? Right now, while walking, sitting, or even reaching for a glass of water, what part of you could relax?

While lifting a bag of groceries or driving the car, what part of you is working that doesn’t need to?




YOGA TRUTH: A simple standing posture requires more conscious awareness than one might think.

Doing any movement consciously, with attention to how you feel in your body, even for the smallest flick of time, turns you bright and shiny.

Why not do it more often?




YOGA TRUTH: Reach out. Tilt your heart open. Look up.

These are three beautiful and wise steps for any moment of life.

Connect with others.

Is your heart open?

Take time during the day to gaze skyward. You will be more likely to remember you are a limitless being, a wide open sky, an eternal soul. You are awareness.

The details of life unfold and reveal themselves within that pure awareness.


YOGA TRUTH: Do balance poses every day.

Wouldn’t we be smart cookies if we practiced balance every day of our lives, if we developed a little-of-this-little-of-that approach to working, living, and loving?

What if we balanced sitting with moving? Doing for others and doing for ourselves? Working and resting?

What else?


YOGA TRUTH: Rest at the end of your practice.

In yoga, resting (Savasana, corpse pose) is often done at the end of a yoga session. It looks like a nap, but it isn’t. For Savasana, you lie on your mat, get comfortable (with a bolster under your knees perhaps), close your eyes, breathe naturally, and practice eliminating tension from the body.

Researchers say this one simple practice helps relieve mild depression, high blood pressure, headaches, fatigue, and insomnia.

Imagine what the entire yoga class has done for you!

During your day, take moments here and there to consciously relax everything. It’s one of life’s little pleasure secrets. Don’t skip it.

Take a moment to notice your feet on the rug, how your shoulders feel, the color of the inside of your eyelids, the temperature of your hands.

Then, go onward and upward with your day. Resetting for even a few seconds at a time changes your outlook. Track it. I predict you’ll see a difference that will surprise you.


“All kidding aside, if everyone did yoga, we would have world peace.” Rory Freedman


In Care of Relationships, poses, relationships, Terri Crosby, yoga wisdom

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