SUMMER SHORTS: The Great Bell Chant.
Most of us have go-to ways of calming and centering ourselves. We meditate, walk in nature, enjoy natural beauty. We listen to something that soothes the busy mind, the weary body, and the soul in need of encouragement.
Here’s a beautiful meditation known as The Great Bell Chant (The End of Suffering) to add to your collection. It is truly one of the most beautiful poem-prayers I’ve ever heard, read by Thich Nhat Hanh, chanted by brother Phap Niem.
Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist. He has spent most of his later life in the Plum Village Monastery in southwest France. He’s 92 years old.
The creators of the soundtrack for The Great Bell Chant were Gary Malkin and collaborator Michael Stillwater. The audio comes from a CD/book released in 2006 called Graceful Passages: A Companion for Living and Dying.
Here are the lyrics of the poem being read.
May the sound of this bell penetrate deep into the cosmos.
Even in the darkest spots, living beings are able to hear it clearly
so that all suffering in them ceases.
Understanding comes to their heart
and they transcend the path of sorrow and death.
. . .
The universal dharma door is already open.
The sound of the rising tide is heard clearly.
The miracle happens: a beautiful child appears in the heart of a lotus flower.
One single drop of this compassionate water is enough
to bring back the refreshing spring to our mountains and rivers.
. . .
Listening to the bell, I feel the afflictions in me begin to dissolve.
My mind calm, my body relaxed,
a smile is born on my lips.
Following the sound of the bell
my breath brings me back to the safe island of mindfulness.
In the garden of my heart, the flowers of peace bloom beautifully.
Have a blessed day.
Image by Eric Michelat from Pixabay
end of suffering, In Care of Relationships, Terri Crosby, The Great Bell Chant, Thich Nhat Hanh
charleene virginia Nicely
Terri, This is fabulous! It really got me in the mindful space to start my day. I will listen and watch this again and share it with groups. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Namaste. And hugs!
Terri Crosby
I’m so glad! We have to find a way to put it on repeat… :–)))
It was one of those, open my eyes and realize I am sitting at my computer. I went far away. wow
Terri Crosby
How beautiful, Shiner. Hugs to you.