What If Nobody’s Wrong?
I had a little fun with an older video of mine… chopped it like a salad and added dressing—some fun text, plus sound and visual effects.
Please know the edits are FAR from perfect and hopefully they give you a good laugh. It’s my first try. I thought why not have a little fun?
Even with the silliness, the main subject presented in the video stands strong. Right in the middle of a disagreement, what if nobody’s wrong? How would this change things?
Next time you’re in the middle of an emotional explosion, take a second or two and PAUSE to check… am I making my partner (or friend, child, etc) wrong? What if I didn’t do that? What else could I do?
The video is 7 minutes and 54 seconds long, including speaking goofs, rough edits, and celebratory effects.
Thank you for being part of my super-amateur shot at editing! And thank you for considering “What if nobody’s wrong?” Thinking this way has made all the difference for me so of course I wanted to pass it to you as well.
To the Spirit of Trying New Things!

Are you curious about working with Terri one-on-one? Schedule a 20 minute free Meet and Greet with Terri on Zoom here. You can ask questions and see if working with Terri as an individual or a couple is a good fit for you.
ON SALE: Get your signed copy of 100 Words: Small Servings of Whimsy and Wisdom (poetry and photography) here. You can send copies directly to friends, too.
To purchase a copy of How to Save Your Fourth Marriage: One Person Can Transform a Relationship go here.
How to Save Your Fourth Marriage, In Care of Relationships, intimate relationships, Terri Crosby, what if nobody's wrong