Shorties: 5 Natural Human Responses to Challenge

If we know our typical first response to a challenge, it allows us to accept it and be more relaxed.

It’s nice to know that our predictable, reliable default response is simply part of the package called “us.” It’s no different than having brown eyes or being 5’5″ tall.

If we’re a natural worrier, for instance, we can recognize worry when it comes up and say to ourselves, “Oh, there it is! I’m doing that thing I usually do!”

Then we can remind ourselves to explore what else we might do besides worry. Alternatively, we could go for a walk and listen to an uplifting podcast, call a friend, or go outside and watch the clouds move and listen to earth sounds.

Positively liberating, don’t you think?

To Your Freedom,

Are you curious about working with Terri one-on-one? Schedule a 20 minute free Meet and Greet with Terri on Zoom here. You can ask questions and see if working with Terri as an individual or a couple is a good fit for you.

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In Care of Relationships, intimate relationships, Terri Crosby

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