Upcoming Live Classes near Asheville, NC: Five Master Skills for Friendships and Partnerships

What skills are key to growing and maintaining friendships and partnerships? In three sessions, we’ll cover five vital competencies to help your connections flourish. Each session is designed to generate soulful and deep conversations about relationship possibilities and then choose and nurture the possibilities that matter most to you.

Session One – Breathe & Receive

Breathe is a unique skill because it is both voluntary and involuntary. What is available through the breath? Why is this skill so important in friendships and partnerships?

Receive is a skill that’s often easier said than done. What exactly does it mean to receive? What is the impact of receiving in conversation? Would it be a good thing to improve our ability to receive? How does receiving change the quality of connections with others?

When: Tuesday, November 14th, 2023 3:00-5 PM
Location: Unity of The Blue Ridge, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Rd, Mills River, NC 28759
Email: unity@unitync.net or Terri@InCareOfRelationships.com
Event Fee(s): Love Offering

To Register for Session 1, go here.

Session Two: Observe

To observe is to step back from ourselves and examine what we said or did in a lighthearted, curious way, as if viewing someone else. How is the ability to observe vital to healthy relationships? Together, we’ll explore how It supports conscious, deliberate, purposeful change.

We’ll slow down a personal, reactive situation to see what’s going on, so that we can make a choice to either stay the same or evolve. We’ll take a good, long, delightful look at how growing our self-awareness empowers us to be better friends and partners.

When: Tuesday, November 28th, 2023 3:00-5 PM
Location: Unity of The Blue Ridge, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Rd, Mills River, NC 28759
Email: unity@unitync.net or Terri@InCareOfRelationships.com
Event Fee(s): Love Offering

To Register for Session 2, go here.

Session 3: Reflect and Rehearse

Reflect, the fourth core skill, means to realize and harvest benefit from an experience, even if the experience was negative. This is a tool that keeps us real (we report facts) while encouraging our human spirit (we find the good, what raises us up). It’s not so much what happens, but how we interpret what happens.

The fifth skill, rehearse, has two aspects. Rehearsal can be intentional, for instance to practice the piano. Rehearsal can also be unintentional or automatic. Research shows that by age thirty-five, we have memorized ourselves. We’ve memorized a set of behaviors and thoughts that have become our identity and personality. This is a chance to notice what we’re rehearsing and choose the rehearsals that support the life we prefer.

When: Tuesday, December 5, 2023 3:00-5 PM
Location: Unity of The Blue Ridge, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Rd, Mills River, NC 28759
Email: unity@unitync.net or Terri@InCareOfRelationships.com
Event Fee(s): Love Offering

To Register for Session 3, go here.

Thank you so much! Stay warm, and I’ll see you soon at Unity!

Master relationship skills, relationships, Terri Crosby, Unity of The Blue Ridge

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